The Anthropocene Commons (AC) is a network of researchers, educators, activists, artists and scientists from all over the world working on the Anthropocene, the current time period in which human activities have fundamentally changed the planet. By commoning our skills, knowledge, and resources, the community imagines and explores practices of transformative pedagogies and collective action.
Mississippi River Open School for Kinship and Social Exchange (2022-2024)
an expansive educational and research collaboration through the formation of five river hubs spanning the river’s headwaters to the Gulf. The Open School engages pressing issues at the intersections of race, environment, and extraction through education, cultural exchange, and action.
OVERFLOW (twin cities)
The Mississippi in every state imaginable.
July 24 – October 2, 2021
Data Sensing the Mississippi
Data analysis and visualizations created for the Data Sensing project during the Mississippi. Anthropocene River journey. Analyzing data collected with a home-built data sensing device, two groups have been involved in producing these findings: a collaboration between Ellen Graham and John Kim; and an undergraduate class on remote sensing at Macalester College that is mining the data to uncover correlational findings with public data sets about the Mississippi River valley. The latter analysis is ongoing.